Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Precocious !!

Frankly speaking I had to rack my brains to write something here. Not that I do not laugh but then most of times they are either situational or they cannot be written about here ;). Here goes my first contribution.

This is my nephew and like all kids of today's generation he is ahead of his time. I am happy he is taking this seriously and is getting ready for the life ahead.

Click on the picture to get a better view

In case you are wondering, the headline says
"Sex Education in classes from next academic year"


Badhri said...

Man! As if one Aish. Mishra isn't enough, here is another one feeding on newspapers every day. Keep him away from you dude. The world needs a chance to survive! :)

The Traveling Quad said...

Dude, It has nothing to do with me. These are in the genes. But my only worry is from a paper like DNA - where does he go ;)